I've worked in customer service for over seven years at a certain place that America runs on. Don't click away just yet! It's not a career I want (did not get 40k in the hole for student loans and two degrees to be working there forever), but it has been a very flexible and convenient job. It's also a great place to meet loony bins, perverts, snobs, socialites, wannabees, know-it-alls, jerk-offs, and occasionally nice people. Every job involves dealing with some other human being, so there are bound to be problems. No one can avoid it. No one is safe.
To start my blog, I'll relay a bedtime story for those of you on the east coast of the 'ol US of A:
Once upon a time, there was a young girl who worked just like many other people to make ends meet. One night at work, a man came to the counter to order his nighttime fare of an artery congealing donut and a coffee that had past its prime by an hour. The girl noticed he had a bar pierced horizontally through his forearm, and being curious and friendly asked, "Did it hurt to get that done? It's in an unusual spot!"
The man smiled a slightly off-kilter smile and the girl got a twinge of unease. He spoke up, animated and sociable about how he runs a piercing business and does all sorts of piercings. Unbidden, he even mentions he's pierced his....as the donut shop might refer to it, his cruller. Twice.
The stupid girl thought she could get a good tip if she kept chatting with the man, who was fiddling with his arm-bolt piercing, and asked if his wife liked the pierced cruller. After more information about the topic than she ever wanted to know, he finally leaned forward and whispered conspiratorially:
My favorite piercing to do, is nipples. I really love holding a woman's chest and inflicting pain at the same time. Would you like yours done?
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What my face looked like after his question |
Turning several shades of red non-existent on Earth and laughing nervously while backing away, the girl hides in the back room until the sadistic man leaves. She learned never to deviate from the prescribed Hi, how can I help you? again.
The End.
Now, as much as that ordeal scarred me, I'm sure there are many many of you out there with more terrifying or enraging stories. How we make it through relatively okay, I'll never know. How do you make it through tough days with trying people?
What got me through that day was the joy of knowing I was not that man's wife.
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